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Friday 2 March 2018


How to make puja or at home

I am going to tell you some simple ways of worshiping a veneration or a venerable prayer.

Most of us, Hindus, or some others are engaged in worshiping God; But we can repeatedly complain about the suspicion of doing it, and doubt whether we are doing it properly or not. After many years I'm doing puja. I have created a proper procedure for doing it. I want to share your experiences with how to do puja at home with a simple and well-organized way. This will make you great satisfaction by fulfilling your veneration. .

Get ready to start the veneration

Before worshiping God or worshiping the Lord, we must clean and clean the clean and clean of the clean clothes. It produces your body and mind for cool and meditative.

Dress for the puja

Most Orthodox people use their silk clothes only for the purpose of the Pujas, which is used only for worship, and is kept daily in the sacred place daily. In this case, silk dress should not be washed every day. Washing once daily, two or two months every week, using an hourly or daily wear when performing the prayer.

Do not worry if you do not use silk clothes. Everyday wash can wear any clothes and put in a clean place without mingling with other dresses. You can wash them in the night before the puja sleep in the morning.

Worship worship in your home

Worship worship should be clean and peaceful. You can put your God in the corner of a quiet room or if it has a separate room for prayer, it's good. Keep clean and clean, clean, wet or dry. Or keep it individually, You can put your God in the direction of the east or north and sit on God's right side and you can easily do the worship work. But do not worry if you can not catch him in the desired direction by building your house. Simply tell him without your help, put him in the comfort zone that's okay.

How to do Daily Pooja or regular worship

I can explain how to make a pooja on your time and facilities. But it gives peace and happiness in your life and family. 10 to 15 minutes or more than an hour for your convenience to be zero and complete.

First, you will clean up the place of worship and idols. Then some of the drops on the top of the statues and the pujas sprinkle water. It is like god bath. The daily activities of the puja is a solidarity with your own life. Wash, wash, wear new clothes, and then take the food as soon as you get up. In the same way, you cleanse God and wearing clothes, giving him your prayers and food.

You do not spray water on idols. You can put a separate glass or small bottle of water and a plain plate so that you can show water to God a little copper spoon (or mango leaf or any flower) and then pour it into the tray as a bath offering symbol. Furthermore, instead of the clothes, you can put flowers on God's clothes.
Before the worship begins, according to Hindu rituals you will light the oil lamp or deep. Lamps are usually made of brass or panhalaahala metal. Keep the lights simple and small so that the smoke does not go out. They can be weekly or cleaned to keep them clean and clean.

I would like to change the cotton wax (or wikis) daily in the morning and lamp up to 75% oil or prevent oil from hitting or hammering. Then it is illuminated with a matchstick.
Put two lights on both sides. In doing so, a depth will be directed towards the east (towards the sun) and to a north (god).

Special pooja at home

In special occasions like festivals or family festivals, you want to give more time to express your deep love and devotion to Him. In such cases you can make long and comprehensive worship in a ceremonial mood. So, in order to pay more time and devotion besides the proper formal worship, you must worship him truly. Some rituals may be included as follows.
You shall heal your God, and cleanse him with water and with water. The goddess can bathe by using yellow coconut.


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